今期时代杂志TIME的特刊The 100 Most Influential People in the world世界上最有影响力的一百人。看了部份的介绍,有其中几个的分享蛮有意思和启示。
1) Chetan Bhagat印度籍的作家
“He often writes about following your dreams and not bowing to other’s expectations. That isn’t easy in India, where family opinion matters and some professions are regarded as more serious than others. ”(意译)他的作品常常写及依随自已的梦想,不要向其它人的祈望低头;在印度,这不是一件容易的事,因为家庭意见的影响力和某些的专业更被重视。
“He often writes about following your dreams and not bowing to other’s expectations. That isn’t easy in India, where family opinion matters and some professions are regarded as more serious than others. ”(意译)他的作品常常写及依随自已的梦想,不要向其它人的祈望低头;在印度,这不是一件容易的事,因为家庭意见的影响力和某些的专业更被重视。
2) Jet Li 李连杰
“…the One foundation….The philosophy is based on giving everyone the chance to help, however small therir contribution. If everyone gives just $1, he says, then among all of us, we could make a huge difference.”(意译)壹基金…..理念建基于提供机会给每个人,无论多少,人人都可以贡献;如果每个人给一块,大家一起就可以有很大的贡献。
“…the One foundation….The philosophy is based on giving everyone the chance to help, however small therir contribution. If everyone gives just $1, he says, then among all of us, we could make a huge difference.”(意译)壹基金…..理念建基于提供机会给每个人,无论多少,人人都可以贡献;如果每个人给一块,大家一起就可以有很大的贡献。
3) Chen Shu-Chu台湾人
“is a seller of vegetables in a stall in Taitung County’s central market, in southern Taiwan. Out of her modest living, Chen, 59, has managed to donate nearly NT$10 million (that is $320,000) to various causes, including $32,000 for a children’s fund, $144,000 to help build library at a school she attended and another $32,000 for the local orphanage, where she also gives financial support to three children. What so wonderful about Chen’s achievement is not its extraordinariness but that it is so simple and matter of fact in its generosity. “Money serves its purpose only when it is used for those who need it,” she told a newspaper.”(意译)陈树菊是在台湾南部的市场的一个菜贩….59岁的她过着俭朴的生活,这些年来,她一共捐了三十二万美元给不同的机构,3万2千给儿童基金、14万4千给母校建图书馆、3万2千给给孤儿院,她为当中的3个儿童提供财务支持。她所成就最神奇的地方不在于她的,而是一种简单的,”金钱用得其所,当它用在需要的人碰身上。”…..
“is a seller of vegetables in a stall in Taitung County’s central market, in southern Taiwan. Out of her modest living, Chen, 59, has managed to donate nearly NT$10 million (that is $320,000) to various causes, including $32,000 for a children’s fund, $144,000 to help build library at a school she attended and another $32,000 for the local orphanage, where she also gives financial support to three children. What so wonderful about Chen’s achievement is not its extraordinariness but that it is so simple and matter of fact in its generosity. “Money serves its purpose only when it is used for those who need it,” she told a newspaper.”(意译)陈树菊是在台湾南部的市场的一个菜贩….59岁的她过着俭朴的生活,这些年来,她一共捐了三十二万美元给不同的机构,3万2千给儿童基金、14万4千给母校建图书馆、3万2千给给孤儿院,她为当中的3个儿童提供财务支持。她所成就最神奇的地方不在于她的,而是一种简单的,”金钱用得其所,当它用在需要的人碰身上。”…..
Hilda Cheung
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